Pre-schoolers are between the approximate ages of 2½ years and 4 years. The preschool environment is set up to support children’s independence and ability to make choices. Educators use their daily observations to create meaningful activities that allow them to discover and learn alongside the children. Children freely build awareness of the world around them, including socialization and self-care skills.
Posting of each child’s sleep times and lunch intakes are found on the white board located next to preschool playroom door.
Daily documentation reflecting activities which the Preschoolers have participated in is posted on the bulletin board located outside of the Preschool playroom door.
The ratio of children to staff in the pre-school program is eight (8) to one (1) during the main part of the day. At arrival time up to 8:30 a.m., departure time after 4:30 p.m., and sleep time, the ratio can go to twelve (12) to one (1) to allow for staff shift changes (indoor only)
Parents/guardians who would like their pre-school child to start toilet training at Kinderplace Childcare Centre Inc. will be asked to sign a copy of the toilet-training contract. (Please see Appendix 2 for a copy of the Toilet-Training Contract.)
Kinderplace is licensed for sixteen (16) preschool children.